A Dedication to the Strength of a Sibling Bond

The Plague Tale games take players through the experiences of siblings Amicia and Hugo, during which they do their best to stay together while surviving an apocalyptic version of the Bubonic Plague and being hunted by knights of the Inquisition in Middle Age Europe. Their journey goes across two games, during which we get to see each of them grow in their own character arcs.

Players are placed in control of Amicia for most of both games, quickly becoming young Hugo’s protector after the inciting incident of the first game. True to the capabilities of a girl her age, A Plague Tale has Amicia normally rely on stealth, subtlety, and wits to keep herself and Hugo safe. This includes ducking under tables, knocking out lights, and throwing rocks to dodge around and distract enemies. While these make up most of the gameplay in the series, sometimes poor Amicia cannot avoid a fight. Players even get to control Hugo once or twice, where hiding and working around enemies without being spotted are paramount since he is very young. Paramount to a game like this is a stealth system that works, and the A Plague Tale games have one that not only works, but works in multiple ways. More often than not players have multiple choices of how to advance, be it patience and timing, or distractions and tricks.

Amidst the tense moments of chases and worrying for Hugo, A Plague Tale gives serene and soft moments where players get to see Amicia and Hugo just be kids and bond as siblings. They get to mourn those they’ve lost, spend time at village festivals, and several other quiet moments, solidifying that, despite all the horror they survive through, they are indeed just kids. These moments keep A Plague Tale from feeling too emotionally overwhelming, but do help the player further sympathize with the young siblings when everything comes crashing back down. Asobo Studios balances these ups and downs very well, taking players on the same ebbs and flows as Amicia and Hugo throughout their journey.

Overall, the A Plague Tale games are an excellent pair of puzzle adventure games with plenty of heart and depth to keep you invested in the story of the young siblings.